February 2014

Meeting Minutes from February 17, 2014 at 8:15 PM

Roll Call: Janet Butterfield, Jim Davis, Lois Dundore, Drew Soisson
Prior Meeting Minutes: N/A

Report of Officers

  • Janet submitted the dates for the pool rentals and pavilion to the township.
  • The township will again fund HAC by providing $3500.
  • Mike has the list of medal winners from the All Star meet last year.  He will take care of ensuring that all swimmers get the medals that they earned.
  • It was agreed that we will not ask the township if they would pay our lifeguards this year.  The guards will be Brett and Alison.  They will split the duties and work together to ensure a lifeguard (or two) is present, when needed.
  • For Divisionals, Mike said that he would print the programs at WSY.  We did agree that it’s best to offer pre-orders on t-shirts for this event.
  • At a minimum, three coaches will be available to swimmers during the season.
  • Team Unify will be used for all sign-ups.
  • Any money made at Divisionals would be above and beyond what was in our budget.

Unfinished Business

  • Janet will check with Township Police to see about help with Sporting Hill Road traffic the day of Divisionals.  Admission fee and payment of officials remains outstanding.
  • Janet will reach out to parents from last year to see if anyone would like to help by updating the record board. We do still need to figure out if any records have been broken.  We agreed to go back to the last known time the board was updated and look for any new records.  Drew will research.
  • We did review the registration form.  Janet will take the feedback and work with other Board members to finalize by March 1.  We did agree that this form should be able to be submitted electronically.  Jim will follow up with Mike on the proper wording to use for the fee for WSY swimmers.
  • The by-laws need to be updated.  They will need to be approved at a parent meeting next summer.
  • An updated Parent Handbook was reviewed.  Janet will take comments provided and update it to be reviewed at the next meeting.  Drew will supply write-ups for the coaching staff.
  • Jim will re-file the insurance paperwork.  We do want to see if we can change the timing of the insurance so it does not expire during our summer season.  The WSY (Mike), Hampden Township and CV all need to get copies of this paperwork.  This needs to be done before July.
  • Janet will send an email to the parent distribution list to determine if anyone would like to help and/or attend our Board meetings.  This email will also give an update on what to expect next year.
  • For Divisionals, we need to understand what we need to pay for.  Janet will review the CASL guidelines.
  • We will look to schedule a ‘meet and greet’ with the coaching staff in the May timeframe.  The exact date is TBD.
  • Janet and Mike continue to work on the website and email addresses.  A decision on web hosting will need to be made in the May timeframe.  The pricing is approximately $143 for 3 years, if we stay as is.  We could move under the WSY site.  A decision on the website needs to be finalized before a decision is made on accepting credit cards.
  • Joe Spila did volunteer to work with Colorado on our touch pad problem (get them fixed or replaced).  Janet will follow up with Joe on this item.  If we cannot get our touch pads fixed by Divisionals, we will look to borrow from another club.
  • Janet did talk with Jeremy to see if the refreshment vendor at the pool is interested in supplying food for our meets next year (including Divisionals).  We would like him to open earlier than last year.  We may see if he would be willing to give us a percent of his profits.  Jeremy will talk with the vendor to see if he is interested.  If not, Leah’s mom may be able to do.  Also, a parent has volunteered to do coffee and donuts.
  • Determine next steps for laptops and Windows XP.  We may look to replace at the end of the season.
  • The township was not willing to handle our credit card payments.  This form of payment remains outstanding and Jim will pursue a solution.
  • The fundraiser ideas need to be finalized.
  • The date for the team photos need to be finalized and scheduled with the photographer.

New Business

  • Janet did some research and found that we could do a t-shirt fundraiser and offer hooded sweatshirts, polos, t-shirts and long sleeve t-shirts.