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Coaches | Hampden Ducks


If there are any questions for the coaching staff, you may contact them at mike@wsyswim.org

YMCA Director of Competitive Swimming Programming – Mike Gobrecht mike@wsyswim.org (text or call – 717 514-2287)

  • Head Ducks Coach – Samantha Shirtliff – samantha.shirtliff@ymcaharrisburg.org 
  • Ducks Coaches for AM and PM Practices include – St. John Schwartz, Abbey Spiegel, Alex Bornman, Ilana Jacobson, Derrick Clemmer, Gavin Guckavan, Kyle Farrow, and Brian Cunningham

Feel free to email Coach Mike or Coach Samantha with any questions or after practices talk to any of the group coaches listed above.  All of our coaching staff are more than willing to help answer your questions.