March 2014

Meeting Minutes from March 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM

Roll Call: Janet Butterfield, Jim Davis, Lois Dundore, Drew Soisson
Prior Meeting Minutes: Approved with revisions with updated version posted

Report of Officers

  • The All Star medals will be distributed this week.
  • Janet will take the lead and respond to inquiries via the web. However, other Board members can reply – just copy the other Board members.
  • The registration form is complete and available on the website. We did agree to move forward with PayPal. Jim and Janet will test and update the registration form when appropriate.
  • The Parent Handbook was reviewed and comments supplied. We did decide that both our club name (Hampden Aquatic Club) and team name (Hampden Ducks) are appropriate to be noted in the Handbook.
  • Janet did send an email update to all HAC members from last year.
  • We did determine that the only expenditure required for Divisionals is for the official. The other positions are filled by parent volunteers.
  • We agreed that two guards are needed at both practices and meets. We agreed that each guard will get $9.15/hour. Janet will contact each of the guards and let them know.
  • Outdoor morning practices will be from 8:00 – 10:15. We must be out of the pool by 10:30.
  • We agreed that our team should have 10 good touchpads. We have seven that are functional. We agreed to spend $400 to fix one of our non-functional pads. Drew will work with Joe to determine which of the non-functional pads to get fixed. We also agreed to purchase an additional pad. Touchpads have a life expectancy of 8-10 years.
  • Janet and Mike continue to refine the updated website. We will move under the WSY site. We agreed that four of our possible five email addresses will be used. These email addresses will run us $20/year (total). But, we no longer have to pay for web hosting.  Our email addresses will be:,,, and we may eventually use one for fundraising or special events.
  • Fundraising ideas are: Senators tickets, R&K Subs, Clothing Drive.
  • Team photos will be June 18 at 8 AM
  • The swimsuit style was chosen. We’d look to offer for sale ($45/female, $35/male).

Unfinished Business

  • Janet will check with Township Police to see about help with Sporting Hill Road traffic the day of Divisionals. Admission fee and payment of officials remains outstanding.
  • We agreed to place updating the record board on hold until June. At that time, we will see if a parent would like to help by updating the record board. We agreed to update using the records that we have record of. This will take us back 3 or 4 years. Drew will research.
  • The by-laws need to be updated. They will need to be approved at a parent meeting next summer.
  • Janet will take supplied comments on the Parent Handbook and update prior to the next meeting.
  • Jim will re-file the insurance paperwork. We do want to see if we can change the timing of the insurance so it does not expire during our summer season. The WSY (Mike), Hampden Township and CV all need to get copies of this paperwork. This needs to be done before July.
  • We will look to schedule a ‘meet and greet’ with the coaching staff in the May timeframe. Janet will work with Mike to determine the exact date.
  • The updated website needs to be finalized and published.
  • Drew and Joe will determine which of the touch pads to send back for repair. They will also place an order for a new one.
  • Janet will follow up with Jeremy to see if the refreshment vendor at the pool is interested in supplying food for our meets next year (including Divisionals). We would like him to open earlier than last year. We may see if he would be willing to give us a percent of his profits.
  • We agreed to determine next steps for laptops and Windows XP in August. We may look to replace these.
  • Swim caps will need to be purchased.
  • The fundraiser ideas need to be finalized and scheduled.
  • Janet will double-check with CV to determine if lifeguards will be available for the evening practices. If not, our guards can do.

 New Business

  • Ribbons have been purchased.
  • Twenty-five dollars was spent for the photo gallery on the updated website.
  • Janet did inventory our supply of swim caps. We have three silicone and 50 latex. Janet will ask Mike if it’s best to go with a specific vendor to restock or just go with the quote she got.