April 2015

Meeting Minutes from April 20, 2015 at 7:15 PM

Roll Call: Janet Butterfield, Jim Davis, Deb Bennett, Kristia Ludwick, Lois Dundore, Mike Gobrecht, Lauren Harris
Prior Meeting Minutes: Approved

Report of Officers

  • Morning practices times will be as follows: 8 and under (aka “A”) will be 9:15 – 10:15, Middle swimmers (aka “B”) will be 8:15 – 9:45, Teen swimmers (aka “C”) will be 8:15 – 10:15
  • Coaches and lifeguards will be there at 8 AM.
  • Options for parents with children in multiple age groups will be to swim at night at the Y, if it’s too much running around. Evening practice times at the Y will be as follows: 8 and under (aka “A”) will be 6:00 – 7:15 (T-W-Th), Middle swimmers (aka “B”) will be 6:00 – 7:30 (M-Th), Teen swimmers (aka “C”) will be 4:30 – 6:15 (M-Th)
  • To date, there are 74 swimmers registered. Information about the club is on the CV website. Flyers will be delivered to three schools in the West Shore School District the week of May 4.
  • The sub sale will be June 30. The Rubber Duck Challenge will also be on this day. Incentives will be purchased to give to swimmers who raise a minimum amount ($35). Deb and Lauren will determine the appropriate incentive gift. Each participating swimmer will get a rubber duck. The Rubber Duck Challenge will be a fundraiser but fun will also be stressed. Deb and Jim will discuss PayPal payment for this challenge. Payments for the sub sale will need to be by check/cash. Deb will send the draft information about these fundraisers to the group. The Board is to provide feedback to Deb ASAP.
  • The group approved the Parent Handbook. Janet will take care of posting it.
  • Deb will look at Toad Hollow for the swim suit. She will choose the style. She will see if we can get a sizing kit for the Meet and Greet.
  • The first practice will be May 26 at WSY.
  • We agreed to let Mike purchase new backstroke flags for around $30.
  • The WSY did give us lane lines for our morning practices. We do need a storage wheel for them. The Board approved this expenditure up to $1500. Janet will talk with Jeremy about the storage of these.
  • Ribbons have been ordered for $187.
  • There are new laws around child endangerment that will affect the team next year. More information is needed on just who will need to have special clearances from both the state and FBI.
  • Janet will post information about the concession stand and signups on the website.
  • A draft of ‘volunteer descriptions’ was provided. Board members were asked to review and provide feedback in time for distribution at the Meet and Greet. Once approved, Mike will also add to Team Unify.
  • The Meet and Greet is scheduled for May 8 (6:15 – 7:15) in the Teen Center at the Y. Registration forms (and laptops) will be provided. Hard copies of the calendar, fundraising documentation and volunteer descriptions will be available. Deb will see if any swim suit information can also be available. We will also have a couple copies of the Parent Handbook for review but not distribution.
  • Samples of a potential new logo will be distributed (by Janet) for a possible change in 2016.
  • We agreed to move forward with the 503C (cost not to exceed $1000). This change will be communicated at the parent meeting in June. Jim will start the process so we have information to share in June. Janet did agree to send an email to the distribution list to see if a parent attorney can help with this. If not, we’ll just pay someone to do.
  • The next meeting will be May 18 at 7:15 PM in Wegmans.

Unfinished Business

  • The bylaws need to be finalized at the June parent meeting.
  • Status on 503C will be provided.

New Business

  • Nothing additional was discussed.